
Identity Verification

Verification Status

After an Application is submitted, the Application applicationState.status returned will be: PENDING, IN_REVIEW, DENIED, or APPROVED

PENDINGThe Application has been received and the system is running automated verifications.
IN_REVIEWIn some cases, an Application may be flagged for manual review because fraud is suspected or the information provided appears incorrect. An agent is reviewing the Application to determine a decision or if additional information is required from the Account Holder.
DENIEDThe Application has failed one or more policies (e.g. fraudulent application information provided). A Payment Card cannot be issued to this Account Holder. Customer notification of the denial and denial reason may be required.
APPROVEDThe Application has been approved. You may now issue a Payment Card to the Account Holder.


In some cases, applications can be flagged for review because additional account holder verification information is needed. This review process confirms the person or business's identity and ensures compliance with Know-Your-Customer (KYC) or Know-Your-Business (KYB) regulations.

The application review process typically takes place as follows: Application Document Review.png

  1. The application is flagged for review and inherits an IN_REVIEW status.
  2. The application is either manually reviewed by Highnote or indicates that additional documentation is needed from the account holder.
  3. Optional - Using the application status event notification, you can send a notification to account holders to alert them of the application review status and direct them to the document upload flow.
  4. Generate a document upload session so the account holder can upload their documents.
  5. Once the account holder documents are received, Highnote reviews them and makes one of the following application decisions:
  • Approve the application: This indicates that the documents were verified and that the account holder's identity was confirmed.
  • Deny the application: This indicates documents were not provided or appear to be fraudulent.
  • Ask for more documents: This indicates that additional documents are needed to confirm the identity of the account holder.

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