
Highnote Overview

What is Highnote?

Highnote is a modern card issuance platform that provides card issuing and complete end-to-end card program management. We enable businesses to create and manage payment cards, including virtual cards, physical cards, and tokenized mobile payments.

Partnering with Highnote relieves you of significant compliance and operational requirements. These include KYC-KYB, regulatory compliance, transaction monitoring, cardholder support, physical card printing and shipping, setting up BINs on a choice of card networks and sponsor banks, daily reconciliation and settlement, and seamless money movement between the bank accounts.

Test and live environments

Warning: The Highnote test environment lets you explore the platform's features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.

To ensure the security of your real-world data, do not use production data in the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.

Before you start, you'll need to understand the two environments on the Highnote platform. Environments contain your card products and allow you to build your integration and test the API:

  • Test environment: This environment helps you build your Highnote integration with the Highnote API, simulates capabilities and transactions, and is a great place to train your team on using Highnote.
  • Live environment: This environment is for actively issuing payment cards and running transactions with your launched card product. The live environment provides an easy-to-use interface to support your live card products.

You can interact with both environments using the Highnote API or dashboard. Highnote's API guides will provide guidance on using the API to interact with both environments. For dashboard guides, see the Highnote Support Guides.

Next steps

Use the following steps to create an account and review Highnote’s getting started content:

  1. Create an account and explore the dashboard.
  2. Learn about the Highnote API.
  3. Test the API.
  4. Learn about the Highnote SDKs.
  5. Learn about Highnote Issuing.
  6. To learn about the dashboard, review the Highnote Support Guides.

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