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Simulate Application Review


  1. A Highnote account
  2. An API key or API Explorer
  3. A card product


Warning: The Highnote test environment lets you explore the platform features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.

To ensure the security of your real-world data, please do not use production data in the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.

Highnote's application review simulation allows you to test the following:

  • Application statuses
  • Your application review workflow
  • Document uploads

To test your application review workflow, we recommend using the following sequence:

  1. To trigger the document upload workflow, onboard an account holder and open an application to simulate an IN_REVIEW or DENIED status.
  2. Simulate a document upload session.
  3. Update the status of the document.
  4. Simulate identity re-verification.
  5. Optional - If identity re-verification fails, request additional document upload sessions.
  6. Approve or deny the application.

Simulate an application status

To simulate your application review workflow, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Onboard an account holder using simulation values.
  2. Create an application for that account holder.

You can use simulation values when creating an account holder to simulate an IN_REVIEW or DECLINED application. These application statuses will kick off your application review workflow.

The simulation values used to produce IN_REVIEW or DENIED application statuses differ depending on whether the applicant is undergoing Know-Your-Customer (KYC) or Know-Your-Business (KYB) verification:

  • KYC: Verification for person applications
  • KYB: Verification for business applications

Person (KYC) verification values

KYC verification is used to verify the identity of the following types of applicants:

  • USPersonAccountHolder
  • USBusinessAuthorizedPerson
  • USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwner

Use the following values when creating an account holder to simulate the application status of your choosing:

Application statusAccount holder detailSimulation value
IN_REVIEWstreetAddress123 Manual Review St.

When simulating DENIED applications, you can provide additional simulation values to produce specific failure tags. These tags help simulate specific failure scenarios. Use the following simulation values to simulate failure tags:

Failure tagAccount holder detailSimulate valuePass tag
SSN_MISMATCH; Requires one document to verify identitysocialSecurityNumber666-66-6666, 111-11-1111, or 111-11-1211SSN_MATCH
SSN_MULTI_IDENTITY; Requires two documents to verify identitysocialSecurityNumber111-11-1131N/A
ADDRESS_WARNINGstreetAddress123 Warning St.N/A

After creating an account holder using simulation values, open an application.

Business (KYB) verification values

KYB verification is used to verify the identity and details of a USBusinessAccountHolder. For USBusinessAccountHolders with associated USBusinessAuthorizedPersons or USBusinessUltimateBeneficialOwners, KYC is run in addition to KYB.

Use the following values when creating an account holder to simulate the application status of your choosing:

Application statusAccount holder detailSimulation value
IN_REVIEWstreetAddress123 Manual Review St.

When simulating DENIED applications, you can provide additional simulation values to produce specific failure tags. These tags help simulate specific failure scenarios. If you are simulating a DENIED application status, use the following simulation values to simulate specific failure tags:

Failure tagAccount holder detailSimulation valuePass tag
ADDRESS_MISMATCHbusinessProfile.billingAddress.postalCode66666 or 11111ADDRESS_MATCH
FEIN_MISMATCHemployerIdentificationNumber666-66-6666, 111-11-1111, or 111-11-1211FEIN_MATCH
WATCHLIST_HITprimaryAuthorizedPerson.givenName and primaryAuthorizedPerson.familyNameIN-REVIEWNAME_MATCH
ADDRESS_WARNINGstreetAddress123 Warning St.N/A

After creating an account holder using simulation values, open an application.

Simulate document upload session

Once an application has entered IN_REVIEW status, you can begin a document upload session to simulate adding supporting documents. Use the following steps to simulate the document upload session:

  1. Optional - Generate a client token .
  2. Start document upload session.
  3. Create document upload link.
  4. End the document upload session.

Update document upload status

Once you've closed the document upload session, you can simulate the review status of each document by assigning a new status of APPROVED or DENIED. Use the following mutation to simulate the review status for each document uploaded in the upload session:

Update identity verification status

After an account holder uploads documents, these documents will undergo review. In the test environment, a review status is assigned for each document. Once this review status is assigned, you can simulate an identity verification status to verify the account holder’s identity. All account holder identities must pass for an application to be approved.

Use the following mutation to simulate an identity verification status change and update the newVerificationStatus from IN_REVIEW to PASSED or DENIED:

Simulate additional document upload sessions

Note: If you are only simulating one document upload session, skip this simulation.

Sometimes, additional document upload sessions may be needed. When an additional document upload session is required, you must create a new document upload session. The following scenarios may require additional document upload sessions:

  • The document provided by the account holder is insufficient to approve the application.
  • For business account holders, additional document upload sessions may be needed for primary authorized persons or beneficial owners.

In the test environment, you must submit specific request inputs for each document type. Note the following about simulating additional document upload sessions:

  • If an application has multiple applicants, multiple document types can be requested for each applicant.
  • When an additional document upload session is simulated, the application status remains IN_REVIEW.
  • The currentVerification.status for each unverified application remains PENDING.
  • The currentVerification.reason for each requested application will update to DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_REQUESTED.

Use the following mutation to simulate additional document upload sessions. Provide a specific documentType for each applicantId. For a full list of document types, see the API reference:

Update application status

To simulate the outcome of the entire application, you can simulate an application status update and move the application from IN_REVIEW to APPROVED or DENIED. When using this simulation, the updated status will approve or deny all account holders on the application. You can’t approve or deny the application for specific account holders.

Use the following mutation to update the application status:

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