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Simulate Collaborative Authorization


  1. A Highnote account
  2. An API key or API Explorer
  3. An active test payment card


Warning: The Highnote test environment allows you to freely explore the platform features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.

To ensure the security of your real-world data, please refrain from entering production data into the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).

Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.

Simulating collaborative authorization allows you to test your integration and notification events. This simulation requires the following steps:

  1. Enable the collaborative authorization endpoint in your test environment.
  2. Register a collaborative authorization endpoint.
  3. Activate a collaborative authorization endpoint.
  4. Simulate an authorization.

Enable collaborative authorization in test

You can enable the collaborative authorization feature in your test environment using the Highnote dashboard. For steps, see Enable collaborative authorization.

Register an endpoint

You can use the following mutation to register and add a collaborative authorization endpoint. By default, collaborative authorization endpoints are inactive at creation. Refer to the following requirements when registering a collaborative authorization endpoint:

  • Make the endpoint highly available.
  • The endpoint must be capable of returning a 2XX response. All other status codes will result in the transaction being declined.
  • The endpoint requests and responses must be served via HTTPS.

Activate an endpoint

Warning: Activating an endpoint will automatically deactivate any existing ACTIVE endpoints. Only one endpoint can be ACTIVE at a time.

Once a collaborative authorization endpoint has been registered, you must activate and verify it. Use the following mutation to activate a collaborative authorization endpoint:

Simulate authorization

Collaborative authorization works by sending a collaborative authorization request to your active endpoint.

Use the following mutation to simulate an authorization and kick off your collaborative authorization workflow:

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