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Fleet credit card products allow businesses to use payment cards to purchase fuel and vehicle maintenance-related services. Fleet cards are useful for the following features:

  • Track spending on fuel, mileage driven, and maintenance schedules
  • Restrict purchases to fueling stations
  • Designate payment cards to vehicles
  • Report enhanced transaction data metrics

The following graphic provides an overview of the processing for issuing fleet cards: fleet.gif

How it works

Fleet card products are credit card products that have specialized features and settings. Fleet card products use the following features and settings:

  • Required: Spend rules to limit how payment cards may be used
  • Optional: Collaborative authorization for approving and denying transactions in real-time

For clearing events, fleet cards return enhanced data using specialized clearing messages. This data is split into three levels:

  • Level 1: Contains standard payment network transaction data provided by merchants. Level 1 data is the same for all transaction types and merchants. No enhanced data is captured or provided at this level.
  • Level 2: Contains enhanced data captured at the point of sale and sent with transactions. Level 2 data is always sent with clearing records.
  • Level 3: Contains detailed enhanced data for transactions and is generally used to send specifics for non-fuel products and services. Level 3 data is sent anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours after a transaction clears.

Create a card product

Use the following mutation to create a fleet card product in the test environment. Use FLEET as the vertical input variable:

Fund your card program

Fleet card products use a product funding account to issue lines of credit. The product funding account is where you deposit the capital that you or your debt facility provide to back lines of credit.

In the test environment, you can simulate depositing funds into your product funding account. Simulating deposits doesn't require connecting a verified bank account.

Funding your product funding account requires the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the product funding account ID.
  2. Initiate a wire transfer to the product funding account.

Find product funding account ID

Use the following query to find your product funding account ID:

Initiate a wire transfer

Using the following mutation, simulate a wire transfer in the test environment using the product funding account ID as the toFinancialAccountId input variable:

Create an account holder

Fleet card products are used by business account holders. US business account holders must provide business details and a primary authorized person, with the option to add beneficial owners. For more information on onboarding US business account holders, see Onboard a US business account holder.

Before issuing a line of credit, you may want to collect creditRiskAttribute inputs in the credit application. These fields can be used to simulate credit line assignment or adverse action reasons. For more information on these simulations, see the following guides:

Use the following mutation to create a business account holder:

Open an application

After creating an account holder, you can open an application to onboard them to your card product. Opening an application triggers identity verification processes. You can participate in the application decisioning process using Collaborative Application Decisioning.

In some cases, additional documents may be required to approve an application. For more information on collecting additional documents, see Request Documents for Application Review.

Use the following mutation to open an application for an account holder:

Simulate application decision

The test environment does not run identity verification checks on applications. During testing, you can simulate application approvals or denials using simulation values. These simulation values product tags that result in the following application statuses:


For more information on using this simulation, see Simulate Underwriting Decision.

Issue a financial account

Financial accounts hold the balance for payment cards. To create a new financial account, pass the id of a verified application.

Financial accounts have an externalId variable field that allows you to tie the Financial account to an entity in your system. If you do not pass in an externalId, Highnote will generate one.

Use the following mutation to issue a financial account for an application:

Set credit limit

Note: Setting or updating a credit limit is an asynchronous process with the Highnote team to ensure your ledger balances and validations are in check.

You can set or update a financial account's credit limit by providing the financialAccountId and the credit limit you want to assign to the financial account. Your product funding financial account must have funds equal to or exceeding any credit limit you extend to your account holders.

Use the following mutation to set or update a credit limit:

Available credit

After setting a credit limit for a financial account, account holders can use their payment cards for fuel and maintenance purchases. Each transaction results in ledger entries that reflect adjustments to the AVAILABLE_CREDIT ledger.

To reflect repayment and adjustments, you must update the AVAILABLE_CREDIT ledger to reflect the available funds the account holder can spend.

Increase available credit

When an account holder repays their balance, you can increase their AVAILABLE_CREDIT ledger using the following mutation:

Decrease available credit

To reduce the balance of the AVAILABLE_CREDIT ledger, use the following mutation:

Issue a payment card

Once you have created a financial account, you can issue a payment card. By default, all payment cards start as virtual cards. Highnote supports the following types of payment cards:

  • Virtual cards
  • Physical cards
  • Digital wallets

Virtual cards

Use the following mutation to issue a virtual card:

Physical cards

By default, all payment cards start as virtual cards. Highnote also supports issuing personalized payment cards to account holders. For more information on issuing physical cards, see Print Physical Cards.

Digital wallets

Highnote supports issuing tokenized cards. Account holders can add tokenized cards to digital wallets like Apple and Google Pay. For more information, see Add Cards to Digital Wallets.

Display payment card data

Warning: Highnote recommends using the Card Viewer SDK to securely display payment card data and and reduce PCI non-compliance.

There are two methods for displaying payment card data on your website or application:

  • Fetching the data from the Highnote API
  • Use the Card Viewer SDK to ensure PCI compliance

To fetch payment card data from the API, use the following query:

Configure spend rules

Fleet card products use spend rules and velocity controls to control spending for the following common use cases:

  • Spending amount limits
  • Authorization count limits
  • Merchant category code (MCC) limits
  • Merchant identifier (MID) limits
  • Point of service category controls

For more information on configuring spend rules and velocity controls, see the following guides:

Simulate transactions

After configuring your fleet card product, we recommend simulation transactions. Simulating transactions is useful for testing your card program's configurations and settings.

For more information on simulating transactions, see Simulate Fleet Transactions.

Simulate delinquency

Highnote's delinquency simulator lets you view a financial account's current delinquency status and receivables by simulating past purchase and payment scenarios. In the test environment, this helps with understanding delinquency scenarios and testing notification events.

Use the Simulate Delinquency guide for more information on using the Highnote API to simulate delinquency in the test environment.

Expand your integration

After configuring your card product and simulating transactions, you can use the following features to further expand your integration:

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