
Move Funds Out of Highnote


Account holders can move funds out of their financial account using both originated ACH and non-originated ACH transfers.

This guide provides steps for moving funds out of Highnote using both transfer methods.

Transfer methods

Note: Card product cancelation periods and risk and compliance reviews can impact transfer timelines.

The following table outlines the different transfers methods for moving funds out of Highnote, and their associated timelines:

Transfer MethodTimeline
Originated ACHThree to five business days
Originated next day ACHOne to three business days
Originated same day ACHOne to two business days
Non-originated ACHThree to five business days

Cutoff times

Originated ACH transfers have specific cutoff times for processing. Initiating a transfer after the specified cutoff time may result in additional processing time.

  • Originated next day ACH: If a transfer is initiated before 4 PM EST, it will be processed by the bank the following business day. If initiated after 4 PM EST, the transfer will be processed two business days from initiation.
  • Originated same day ACH: If a transfer is initiated before 2 PM EST it will be processed by the bank same day. If initiated after 2 PM EST, the transfer will be processed the following business day.

All Originated ACH Debit transfers (funds pulling in) have a required three business day hold period once the transfer has been initiated and is processing.

Find financial account ID

To retrieve a financial account ID, you can query the API using an application ID. Use the following query to find a financial account ID:

Move funds to an external account with originated ACH

You can allow account holders to withdraw funds from a Highnote financial account to a verified external bank account using originated ACH.

Once an external bank account has been connected, use the following IDs as input variables in the InitiateFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer mutation:

  • toFinancialAccount: Financial account ID of the external bank account
  • fromFinancialAccount: Account holder's Highnote financial account ID

Use the following mutation to move funds to a verified external account:

Move funds to an external account with non-originated ACH

If financial accounts for your card product have the DirectDepositFinancialAccountFeature enabled, account holders can use their virtual account and routing numbers to add their financial accounts to third-party services such as banks or payment apps.

Account holders can initiate withdrawals and move funds out of their Highnote financial accounts using these third-party services.

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