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Warning: The Highnote test environment lets you explore the platform features and functionality. It is intended for experimenting, building integrations, and training your team.
To ensure the security of your real-world data, please do not enter production data in the test environment. Production data includes sensitive information like customer details, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII).
Use only dummy or test data explicitly created for testing purposes in the test environment.
The delinquency simulator lets you view a financial account's delinquency status and receivables by simulating past purchase and payment scenarios. In the test environment, this helps with testing and configuring notification events.
The delinquency simulator allows you to test the following:
financial account attributes when the financial account becomes delinquent and receive the associated notification events.DELINQUENT
financial account attributes when the financial account becomes current and receive the associated notification eventsUse the following steps to simulate delinquency in your test environment:
.Repeat steps 3 and 4 to generate additional past billing statements. If you simulate multiple billing statements, you must generate simulated billing statements from oldest to newest. For example, you must start by generating the oldest of the three to generate three billing statements.
Note: To simulate multiple billing statements, you must generate simulated billing statements from oldest to newest. You cannot simulate the same past billing cycle more than once.
You can use the account aging simulation once you have simulated receivables and payments on a financial account. Refer to the following steps to use the account aging simulation:
ledger must be greater than $0.Note the following guidelines for using the account aging simulation:
Use the following mutation to simulate account aging:
Use the following simulation actions for the account aging simulation:
Attribute | Action |
Add DELINQUENT | Shift the current billing cycle with a positive OUTSTANDING_BALANCE_PAYABLE back two or more cycles. |
Add DELINQUENT_SUSPENDED | Shift the current billing cycle with a positive OUTSTANDING_BALANCE_PAYABLE back five or more cycles. |
Remove DELINQUENT and DELINQUENT_SUSPENDED | Make the account current by posting a payment greater than or equal to the OUTSTANDING_BALANCE_PAYABLE . |
Note: Repayments may take up to five minutes to update a financial account’s delinquency status.
You can simulate a repayment if your simulation results in a delinquent financial account. See Schedule Repayments for more information on simulating repayment.
Note: In the live environment, the Highnote team will close an account with a SUSPENDED
status due to a charge-off event.
You can use the delinquency simulator in the test environment to simulate a charge-off. Use the steps outlined in the Simulate Delinquency guide. In Step 4, shift an unpaid statement balance due back at least seven billing cycles to make the financial account's totalDaysDelinquent
>= 180 days.
With the totalDaysDelinquent
set to 180 days the financial account attribute of CHARGE_OFF
will be added and the financial account status will be set to SUSPENDED