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Card Transaction Activity Report


This report contains all card transaction event activities across all financial accounts for the organization.

Data availability

Data for this report is available as follows:

  • Earliest available: 18 months from today
  • Latest available: One (1) day from today

Report fields

Field NameData TypeDescription
created_atDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date and time the transaction was posted to the financial account; timestamped at the creation of the transaction record
authorization_date_timeDateTime (ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)The date and time the transaction was first authorized on the financial account, if applicable
platform_settlement_dateDateThe date when the transaction was settled on the platform, with a cutoff time of 5 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)
card_product_idStringUnique identifier for the card product
card_product_nameStringName of the card product with the ledger entry
card_profile_set_idStringUnique id of the card profile for a given card product
network_nameStringThe name of the card network provider (Visa, Mastercard)
classificationStringThe network BIN product type (consumer, commercial, business, etc.)
funding_typeStringCard funding type according to the network BIN product type (credit, prepaid, debit)
account_holder_idStringUnique identifier for the account holder
financial_account_idStringUnique identifier for the financial account
payment_card_idStringUnique identifier for the card
processing_network_codeStringCard transaction network; possible values are VNT (Visanet), MCC (Mastercard Dual Message), MDS (Maestro Single Message), PUL (PULSE), MPS (Moneypass)
financial_event_idStringUnique identifier for the financial event
financial_eventStringCategorizes the activity of the card financial event (e.g., AUTHORIZE_AND_CLEAR, REVERSAL, CLEAR , AUTHORIZE)
transaction_idStringTransaction lifecycle identifier; for example, two transaction events (AUTH and CLEAR) make up one complete transaction lifecycle so that both events will have the same transaction lifecycle identifier. Multi-clearing transaction events with different financial_event_ids will share the same transaction_id
merchant_idStringIdentifier for the merchant
merchant_category_codeStringMerchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number in ISO 18245 for retail financial services; MCC is used to classify the business by the type of goods or services it provides
merchant_nameStringThe merchant's name where the transaction occurred
merchant_descriptionStringThe location where the transaction took place
merchant_countryStringThe ISO3166 Alpha3 Country code representing the country where the card was accepted
response_codeEnumThe Highnote response code
avs_response_codeEnumCode representing the result of an address verification check
postal_code_response_codeEnumCode representing the result of postal code verification check
cvv_response_codeEnumCode representing the result of card verification value (CVV) check
is_settlementBooleanA flag identifying cleared transactions to settle at the bank
approved_amountDecimalThe amount of funds approved and posted to the Highnote ledger for the transaction; this appears as responseCode in the GraphQL response
surcharge_feeDecimalThe amount of the fee associated with the posted_amount for each transaction event type
requested_amountDecimalThe amount of funds requested from the network for the transaction, not including the surcharge fee
currency_codeStringThe ISO 4217 currency code representing the currency of the transaction

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