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Summary Metrics


Highnote provides summary metrics for applications and transactions that empower you with essential data to drive your critical business decisions. You can retrieve summary metrics from the Highnote Dashboard or using the Highnote API.

Data freshness

Note the following about Highnote’s summary metrics API’s data freshness rules:

  • Summary metrics data is available within one hour, on the hour. For example, if you request data at 2:45PM, the API will return data up to 1 PM.
  • The summary metrics API provides a data freshness timestamp in the results field.
  • The default sorting of summary metrics results is descending.

Get application metrics

Application metrics show account holder and authorized user application data across card products. You can use the cardProductApplicationBusinessMetric query to retrieve the following data:

Data typeDescription
timeRangeRequested start and end timestamp
asOfData freshness timestamp
createdApplicationsNew applications that have been submitted
approvedApplicationsApplications that have been approved. Once an application has been approved, a financial account can be used to the account holder
deniedApplicationsApplications that have failed one or more card product policies. When an application is denied, a payment card cannot be issued to the account holder. Customer notification of the denial and denial reason may be required
inReviewApplicationsApplications may be flagged for manual review because fraud is suspected or the information provided appears incorrect. This status indicates a Highnote agent is reviewing the application to determine a decision or if additional information is required from the account holder
pendingApplicationsApplications that have been received, and are being verified by the system
closedApplicationsApplications that have been processed or withdrawn

Use the following query to retrieve application metrics:

Get transaction metrics

Transaction metrics show payment card transaction data across card products. You can use the paymentCardTransactionBusinessMetric query to retrieve the following data:

Data typeDescription
timeRangeRequested start and end timestamp
asOfData freshness timestamp
approvedAuthorizationAn authorization has been approved
declinedAuthrorizationAn authorization has been declined
approvedAuthorizationAmountThe total dollar amount of approved authorizations
declinedAuthrorizationAmountThe total dollar amount of declined authorizations
Top N declinedAuthorizationTop N declined authorizations
clearedTransactionsA transaction has been successfully processed and finalized
clearedTransactionsAmountA transaction has been successfully processed and finalized
Top N clearedTransactionsTop N cleared transactions

Use the following query to retrieve transaction metrics:

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