
Jul 25, 2024
  • Type CardProductPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput was added
  • Type FinancialAccountPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardDisputeStatusFilterInput was added
  • Type CreatePanEntryModeSpendRulePayload was added
  • Type UpdatePanEntryModeSpendRulePayload was added
  • Type CreateCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRulePayload was added
  • Type UpdateCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRulePayload was added
  • Type CreatePanEntryModeSpendRuleInput was added
  • Type UpdatePanEntryModeSpendRuleInput was added
  • Type CreateCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRuleInput was added
  • Type UpdateCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRuleInput was added
  • Type PanEntryModeSpendRule was added
  • Type PanEntryModeSpendRuleResult was added
  • Type CardDataInputCapabilitySpendRule was added
  • Mutation

  • Field createPanEntryModeSpendRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updatePanEntryModeSpendRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updateCardDataInputCapabilitySpendRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Argument filterBy: FinancialAccountPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput added to field FinancialAccount.paymentCardTransactionDisputes
  • Argument filterBy: CardProductPaymentCardTransactionDisputesFilterInput added to field CardProduct.paymentCardTransactionDisputes
  • Field spendRule was added to object type CardDataInputCapabilitySpendRuleResult
  • Jul 24, 2024
  • Type AccountReview was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequest was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestDetails was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestCustomerDetails was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestType was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestStatus was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestStatusHistory was added
  • Type CreditLimitChangeRequestor was added
  • Jul 22, 2024
  • Type AchTransferStatusFailureReason was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferInitiatedEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferPendingEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferProcessingEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferCanceledEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent was added
  • Type OriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent was added
  • Type NonOriginatedAchTransferReceivedEvent was added
  • Type NonOriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent was added
  • Type NonOriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent was added
  • Type NonOriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent was added
  • Enum value INVALID_3DS_VERIFICATION was added to enum TransactionEventResponseCode
  • NotificationEventNode

  • Member OriginatedAchTransferInitiatedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferPendingEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferProcessingEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferCanceledEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member OriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member NonOriginatedAchTransferReceivedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member NonOriginatedAchTransferProcessedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member NonOriginatedAchTransferFailedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member NonOriginatedAchTransferReturnedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • NotificationEventName

  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_INITIATED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_PENDING was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_PROCESSING was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_PROCESSED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_FAILED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_RETURNED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_CANCELED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value NON_ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_RECEIVED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value NON_ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_PROCESSED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value NON_ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_FAILED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value NON_ORIGINATED_ACH_TRANSFER_RETURNED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Jul 17, 2024
  • Type PartnerBankName was added
  • Type RestrictedAccountHolderSpendRule was added
  • Type RestrictedAccountHolderSpendRuleResult was added
  • FinancialAccount

  • Field partnerBankName was added to object type FinancialAccount
  • Field FinancialAccount.rewardPointsTransfers is deprecated
  • Field FinancialAccount.rewardPointsTransfers has deprecation reason Please query the REWARDS_POINTS ledger on your FinancialAccount for ledger entries, which include RewardPointsTransfer financial events.
  • Jul 16, 2024


  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE_AGREEMENT was added to enum ReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE was added to enum ReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_ACCOUNTS_SALE was added to enum ReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE_TRANSACTIONS was added to enum ReportType
  • OrganizationReportType

  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE_AGREEMENT was added to enum OrganizationReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE was added to enum OrganizationReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_ACCOUNTS_SALE was added to enum OrganizationReportType
  • Enum value RECEIVABLE_SALE_TRANSACTIONS was added to enum OrganizationReportType
  • Input field createDateFilter of type TimestampFilterInputRange was added to input object type ReportFilterInput
  • Jul 15, 2024
  • Type CardDataInputCapabilitySpendRuleResult was added
  • Jul 9, 2024
  • Type PersonAccountHolderIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessAccountHolderIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessAuthorizedPersonIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessUltimateBeneficialOwnerIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added
  • Type IdentityVerificationDocumentRequestReason was added
  • Type YearToDateAccountInterestAndFeesByBalanceType was removed
  • NotificationEventNode

  • Member PersonAccountHolderIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessAccountHolderIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessAuthorizedPersonIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessUltimateBeneficialOwnerIdentityDocumentsRequestedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • NotificationEventName

  • Enum value PERSON_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_IDENTITY_DOCUMENTS_REQUESTED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_IDENTITY_DOCUMENTS_REQUESTED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value BUSINESS_AUTHORIZED_PERSON_IDENTITY_DOCUMENTS_REQUESTED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Field yearToDateInterestAndFeesByBalanceType (deprecated) was removed from object type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
  • Jul 5, 2024
  • Type PaymentCardStatusChangeReason was added
  • Type PaymentCardBrand was added
  • Type PaymentCardBinProductCode was added
  • Type PaymentCardBinSubProductCode was added
  • Type SecondaryPointOfSaleNetwork was added
  • Type SecondaryAtmNetwork was added
  • Type SecondarySurchargeFreeAtmNetwork was added
  • Type PaymentCardEmvType was added
  • Type PaymentCardBinClassification was added
  • Type PaymentCardBinFundingModel was added
  • Type PaymentCardBinRange was added
  • Type IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession was added
  • PaymentCardSnapshot

  • PaymentCardSnapshot object implements Node interface
  • Field id was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field sourceCard was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field expirationDate was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field expirationMonth was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field expirationYear was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field statusChangeReason was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field statusChangeMemo was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field usage was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field formFactor was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • Field updatedAt was added to object type PaymentCardSnapshot
  • CollaborativeAuthorizationResponseCode

  • Enum value RESTRICTED_MERCHANT was added to enum CollaborativeAuthorizationResponseCode
  • Enum value RESTRICTED_MERCHANT_CATEGORY_CODE was added to enum CollaborativeAuthorizationResponseCode
  • Member IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession was added to Union type EndDocumentUploadSessionPayload
  • Member IdentityVerificationDocumentUploadSession was added to Union type StartDocumentUploadSessionPayload
  • Jul 1, 2024
  • Type CreateGlobalNoteInput was added
  • Type GlobalNotePrimaryEntityInput was added
  • Type GlobalNoteAggregateEntityInput was added
  • Type GlobalNotePayload was added
  • Type GlobalNotePrimaryEntity was added
  • Type GlobalNoteAggregateEntity was added
  • Type GlobalNote was added
  • Type GlobalNoteConnection was added
  • Type GlobalNoteConnectionPayload was added
  • Type GlobalNoteEdge was added
  • Type GlobalNotePrimaryEntityType was added
  • Type GlobalNoteAggregateEntityType was added
  • Type PaymentCardPinDetails was added
  • Type PaymentCardPinUpdate was added
  • Type FinancialAccountAttributeWithReason was added
  • Type SuspendFinancialAccountInput was added
  • Type UnsuspendFinancialAccountInput was added
  • Type FinancialAccountSuspensionReasonInput was added
  • Type FinancialAccountAttributeReason was added
  • Type FinancialAccountPayload was added
  • Mutation

  • Field createGlobalNote was added to object type Mutation
  • Field suspendFinancialAccount was added to object type Mutation
  • Field unsuspendFinancialAccount was added to object type Mutation
  • Field globalNotes was added to object type USPersonAccountHolder
  • Field globalNotes was added to object type USBusinessAccountHolder
  • FinancialAccount

  • Field globalNotes was added to object type FinancialAccount
  • Field financialAccountAttributesWithReason was added to object type FinancialAccount
  • Field pinDetails was added to object type PaymentCard
  • FinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to interface FinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to interface FinancialAccountFeature
  • DirectDepositFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type DirectDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type DirectDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • PrePaidPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PrePaidPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PrePaidPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • DebitPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type DebitPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type DebitPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • PayrollAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PayrollAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PayrollAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature
  • PayrollEmployerAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PayrollEmployerAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PayrollEmployerAdvanceFinancialAccountFeature
  • NegativeBalanceReserveFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type NegativeBalanceReserveFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type NegativeBalanceReserveFinancialAccountFeature
  • ProductReserveFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type ProductReserveFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type ProductReserveFinancialAccountFeature
  • ProductFundingFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type ProductFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type ProductFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • IncomeAccountFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type IncomeAccountFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type IncomeAccountFinancialAccountFeature
  • JustInTimeFundingFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type JustInTimeFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type JustInTimeFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type OnDemandFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • SecuredCreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type SecuredCreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type SecuredCreditPaymentCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • FleetCardAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type FleetCardAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type FleetCardAccountFeature
  • CommercialCreditPayInFullCardAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CommercialCreditPayInFullCardAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CommercialCreditPayInFullCardAccountFeature
  • CreditCardAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CreditCardAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CreditCardAccountFeature
  • CardFundingFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CardFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CardFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • PointRewardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PointRewardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PointRewardFinancialAccountFeature
  • NonVerifiedFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type NonVerifiedFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type NonVerifiedFinancialAccountFeature
  • AchCapableFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type AchCapableFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type AchCapableFinancialAccountFeature
  • VendorProvidedBankFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type VendorProvidedBankFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type VendorProvidedBankFinancialAccountFeature
  • PartialFundingFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PartialFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PartialFundingFinancialAccountFeature
  • RepaymentFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type RepaymentFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type RepaymentFinancialAccountFeature
  • PreprintedCardFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PreprintedCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PreprintedCardFinancialAccountFeature
  • SecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type SecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type SecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • ProductSecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type ProductSecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type ProductSecuredDepositFinancialAccountFeature
  • MerchantSettlementFinancialAccountFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type MerchantSettlementFinancialAccountFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type MerchantSettlementFinancialAccountFeature
  • CardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to interface CardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to interface CardProductFeature
  • CollaborativeAuthorizationCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CollaborativeAuthorizationCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CollaborativeAuthorizationCardProductFeature
  • CollaborativeApplicationUnderwritingCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type CollaborativeApplicationUnderwritingCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type CollaborativeApplicationUnderwritingCardProductFeature
  • DisputeChargebackCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type DisputeChargebackCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type DisputeChargebackCardProductFeature
  • OnDemandFundingCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type OnDemandFundingCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type OnDemandFundingCardProductFeature
  • PartialFundingCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PartialFundingCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PartialFundingCardProductFeature
  • EarlyDirectDepositCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type EarlyDirectDepositCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type EarlyDirectDepositCardProductFeature
  • AuthorizedUserCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type AuthorizedUserCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type AuthorizedUserCardProductFeature
  • RevolvingCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type RevolvingCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type RevolvingCardProductFeature
  • ChargeCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type ChargeCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type ChargeCardProductFeature
  • PointRewardCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type PointRewardCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type PointRewardCardProductFeature
  • SecuredDepositCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type SecuredDepositCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type SecuredDepositCardProductFeature
  • DirectMerchantAcquiringCardProductFeature

  • Field effectiveFrom was added to object type DirectMerchantAcquiringCardProductFeature
  • Field effectiveThrough was added to object type DirectMerchantAcquiringCardProductFeature
  • InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType

  • Enum value PAYROLL was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value PAYROLL_REVERSAL was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value ACCOUNT_PAYROLL_ADVANCE was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REVERSAL was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value ACCOUNT_PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REPAYMENT was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REPAYMENT_REVERSAL was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value ADJUSTMENT was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value CHARGEBACK_WIN_WITHOUT_PROVISIONAL_CREDIT was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • TransferPurpose

  • Enum value PAYROLL was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value PAYROLL_REVERSAL was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REVERSAL was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REPAYMENT was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value PAYROLL_ADVANCE_REPAYMENT_REVERSAL was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Enum value ADJUSTMENT was added to enum TransferPurpose
  • Jun 28, 2024
  • Type RotateNotificationTargetSigningKeyInput was added
  • Type RotateNotificationTargetSigningKeyPayload was added
  • Field rotateNotificationTargetSigningKey was added to object type Mutation
  • Input field CapturePaymentTransactionInput.amount changed type from AmountInput! to AmountInput
  • Input field CancelPaymentTransactionInput.amount changed type from AmountInput! to AmountInput
  • Jun 27, 2024


  • Enum value PROGRAM_OWNER_INITIATED_SUSPENSION was added to enum FinancialAccountAttribute
  • Enum value SUBSCRIBER_SUSPENDED was removed from enum FinancialAccountAttribute
  • NotificationEventName

  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to interface PaymentTransaction
  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to object type PaymentDebitTransaction
  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to object type PaymentCreditTransaction
  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to interface PaymentTransactionSummary
  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to object type PaymentDebitTransactionSummary
  • Field requestedAuthorizationAmount was added to object type PaymentCreditTransactionSummary
  • Directive oneOf was added
  • Jun 26, 2024
  • Field periodFeeCredit was added to object type SecuredDepositCommercialCreditCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Field periodFeeCredit was added to object type CreditPayInFullCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • ConsumerRevolvingCardFinancialAccountStatement

  • Field periodFeeCredit was added to object type ConsumerRevolvingCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Field periodInterestCredit was added to object type ConsumerRevolvingCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Field periodFeeCredit was added to object type ConsumerChargeCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees

  • Field yearToDateAccumulatedInterestDebit was added to object type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
  • Field yearToDateAccumulatedInterestCredit was added to object type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
  • Field yearToDateAccumulatedFeesDebit was added to object type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
  • Field yearToDateAccumulatedFeesCredit was added to object type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees
  • Jun 25, 2024
  • Type AuthorizePaymentMethodTokenInput was added
  • Type ChargePaymentMethodTokenInput was added
  • Type AuthorizePaymentMethodTokenPayload was added
  • Type ChargePaymentMethodTokenPayload was added
  • Mutation

  • Field authorizePaymentMethodToken was added to object type Mutation
  • Field chargePaymentMethodToken was added to object type Mutation
  • Jun 21, 2024
  • Type OrderPhysicalPaymentCardWithValidatedAddressInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardDeliveryDetailsWithValidatedAddressInput was added
  • Type CreatePhysicalCardGroupOrderWithValidatedAddressInput was added
  • Type ValidateAddressInput was added
  • Type ValidateAddressPayload was added
  • Type AddressValidationOutcome was added
  • Type AddressValidationResult was added
  • Type AddressValidatedResult was added
  • Type AddressValidatedWithChangesResult was added
  • Type AddressIncompleteResult was added
  • Type AddressInvalidResult was added
  • Type ValidAddress was added
  • Type ValidatedAddressToken was added
  • Type ValidatedAddress was added
  • Type AddressComponent was added
  • Type ValidatedAddressLabel was added
  • Mutation

  • Field orderPhysicalPaymentCardWithValidatedAddress was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createPhysicalCardGroupOrderWithValidatedAddress was added to object type Mutation
  • Field validateAddress was added to object type Mutation
  • Enum value SUBSCRIBER_SUSPENDED was added to enum FinancialAccountAttribute
  • Field validatedAddress was added to object type PaymentCardDeliveryDetails
  • Jun 18, 2024
  • Field expiresAt was added to object type SigningKey
  • Jun 17, 2024


  • Field AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees.yearToDateInterestAndFeesByBalanceType is deprecated
  • Field AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees.yearToDateInterestAndFeesByBalanceType has deprecation reason Please use the `yearToDateAccumulatedInterestDebit`, `yearToDateAccumulatedInterestCredit`, `yearToDateAccumulatedFeesDebit`, and `yearToDateAccumulatedFeesDebit` fields, which show interest and fees across all balance types.
  • Jun 14, 2024
  • Type ConfirmCreditReportUnfrozenInput was added
  • Type ConfirmVerificationOfCreditProductApplicationForFraudAlertInput was added
  • Type VerifiedApplicationFieldsForFraudAlertInput was added
  • Type ConfirmCreditReportUnfrozenPayload was added
  • Type ConfirmVerificationOfCreditProductApplicationForFraudAlertPayload was added
  • Type CreditUnderwritingVerificationReviewReasonDetails was added
  • Type CreditUnderwritingVerificationReviewStatusReasonCode was added
  • Type CreditDecisionResult was added
  • Type CreditReportFraudAlertVerificationResult was added
  • Mutation

  • Field confirmVerificationOfCreditProductApplicationForFraudAlert was added to object type Mutation
  • Field confirmCreditReportUnfrozen was added to object type Mutation
  • CreditUnderwritingVerification

  • Field reviewReasonDetails was added to object type CreditUnderwritingVerification
  • Field decisionResults was added to object type CreditUnderwritingVerification
  • Field creditReportFraudAlertVerificationResult was added to object type AccountHolderCardProductApplication
  • Input field accountHolderCreditReportPullConsent of type ConsentInput was added to input object type CreateAccountHolderCardProductApplicationInput
  • RewardPointsTransfer

  • Field externalTransactionIdentifier was added to object type RewardPointsTransfer
  • Field redemptionConfiguration was added to object type RewardPointsTransfer
  • Field rewardEarnRule was added to object type RewardPointsTransfer
  • Jun 13, 2024
  • Type CardDataInputCapability was added
  • Enum value UNATTENDED_CHIP_PIN_TERMINAL was added to enum PointOfServiceCategory
  • Field cardDataInputCapability was added to object type PointOfServiceDetails
  • Input field cardDataInputCapability of type CardDataInputCapability was added to input object type PointOfServiceDetailsInput
  • Jun 12, 2024
  • Type TokenizeAddressInput was added
  • Type TokenizeCardPaymentMethodCardHolderInput was added
  • Type TokenizeCardPaymentMethodInput was added
  • Type PaymentMethodTokenUsage was added
  • Type PaymentMethodToken was added
  • Type TokenizeCardPaymentMethodPayload was added
  • Field tokenizeCardPaymentMethod was added to object type Mutation
  • Jun 7, 2024
  • Type RedeemRewardsForStatementCreditInput was added
  • Type RedemptionCriteriaInput was added
  • Type VirtualCardBrowserText was added
  • Type VirtualCardAppText was added
  • Field redeemRewardsForStatementCredit was added to object type Mutation
  • Enum value VIRTUAL_THREE_DS_VERIFICATION_LOGO was added to enum DocumentType
  • VirtualCardProfile

  • Field browserText was added to object type VirtualCardProfile
  • Field appText was added to object type VirtualCardProfile
  • Enum value VIRTUAL_THREE_DS_VERIFICATION_LOGO was added to enum CardArtDocumentType
  • Jun 5, 2024
  • Type CardAuthorizedStepSummary was removed
  • Type CardCapturedStepSummary was removed
  • Type CardReversedStepSummary was removed
  • Type CardCreditedStepSummary was removed
  • NotificationEventName

  • Enum value CARD_PRODUCT_APPLICATION_CREDIT_REPORT_FRAUD_ALERT was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value CARD_PRODUCT_APPLICATION_CREDIT_REPORT_FREEZE was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Member CardAuthorizedStepSummary was removed from Union type AuthorizePaymentCardPayload
  • Member CardCapturedStepSummary was removed from Union type CapturePaymentTransactionPayload
  • Member CardCapturedStepSummary was removed from Union type ChargePaymentCardPayload
  • Member CardReversedStepSummary was removed from Union type CancelPaymentTransactionPayload
  • Member CardCreditedStepSummary was removed from Union type RefundPaymentTransactionPayload
  • Jun 4, 2024


  • Enum value AMERICAN_EXPRESS was added to enum AcquiringPaymentCardBrand
  • Enum value AMEX was removed from enum AcquiringPaymentCardBrand
  • Jun 4, 2024
  • Type PaymentTransactionResponseCodeProcessorResponseCode was added
  • Type PaymentTransactionResponseCodeAuthorizationResponseCode was removed
  • PhysicalPaymentCardOrderFilterInput

  • Input field createdAt of type TimestampFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalPaymentCardOrderFilterInput
  • Input field actualShipDateLocal of type DateFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalPaymentCardOrderFilterInput
  • PhysicalCardGroupOrderFilterInput

  • Input field createdAt of type TimestampFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalCardGroupOrderFilterInput
  • Input field actualShipDateLocal of type DateFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalCardGroupOrderFilterInput
  • PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrderFilterInput

  • Input field createdAt of type TimestampFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrderFilterInput
  • Input field actualShipDateLocal of type DateFilterInput was added to input object type PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrderFilterInput
  • PaymentTransactionResponseCode

  • Field processorResponseCode was added to object type PaymentTransactionResponseCode
  • Field authorizationResponseCode was removed from object type PaymentTransactionResponseCode
  • May 28, 2024
  • Type PhysicalPaymentCardGroupOrderFilterInput was added
  • Organization

  • Field physicalPaymentCardGroupOrders was added to object type Organization
  • Field Organization.physicalCardGroupOrders is deprecated
  • Field Organization.physicalCardGroupOrders has deprecation reason Use physicalPaymentCardGroupOrders instead.
  • May 24, 2024
  • Field recommendedDocumentTypes was added to object type USAccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSession
  • May 23, 2024
  • Type PointRewardCardProductFeature was added
  • Type CustomFieldsFilterInput was added
  • Type CustomFieldInput was added
  • Type RewardsEarningCardProductFeature was removed
  • Input field customFields of type CustomFieldsFilterInput was added to input object type CardProductPaymentCardsFilterInput
  • Input field customFields of type CustomFieldsFilterInput was added to input object type AccountHolderPaymentCardsFilterInput
  • Input field customFields of type CustomFieldsFilterInput was added to input object type AccountHolderFinancialAccountsFilterInput
  • Input field customFields of type CustomFieldsFilterInput was added to input object type FinancialAccountPaymentCardsFilterInput
  • CreditRepaymentMethod

  • Enum value FEE_ADJUSTMENT was added to enum CreditRepaymentMethod
  • Enum value INTEREST_ADJUSTMENT was added to enum CreditRepaymentMethod
  • Enum value REWARD_BALANCE was added to enum CreditRepaymentMethod
  • May 21, 2024
  • Field errorPath was added to object type FieldUserError
  • May 20, 2024
  • Type RewardsEarningCardProductFeature was added
  • May 20, 2024
  • Type PhysicalPaymentCardOrderFilterInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardFilterInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardShippingMethodFilterInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardOrderStatusFilterInput was added
  • Type PhysicalCardGroupOrderFilterInput was added
  • Type PaymentCardGroupOrderStatusFilterInput was added
  • Organization

  • Field physicalPaymentCardOrders was added to object type Organization
  • Field physicalCardGroupOrders was added to object type Organization
  • Input field VisaFleetL2TransactionDataInput.visaFleetFuelLineItems changed type from [VisaFleetL2FuelLineItemInput] to [VisaFleetL2FuelLineItemInput!]
  • Input field SimulateVisaFleetL3EnhancedDataInvoiceInput.lineItems changed type from [SimulateVisaFleetL3EnhancedDataLineItemInput] to [SimulateVisaFleetL3EnhancedDataLineItemInput!]
  • May 17, 2024
  • Type DocumentUploadSessionContext was added
  • Type AccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSessionContext was added
  • Type AccountHolderApplicationVerificationResultCodeToDocumentContext was added
  • Type AccountHolderApplicationVerificationResultCodeToDocumentEntry was added
  • Type AccountHolderApplicationDocumentToVerificationResultCodeContext was added
  • Type AccountHolderApplicationDocumentToVerificationResultCodeEntry was added
  • Field documentContext was added to object type USAccountHolderApplicationDocumentUploadSession
  • May 16, 2024


  • Enum value CASH_REDEEM_REWARD_POINTS was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • Enum value CASH_REDEEM_REWARD_POINTS_REVERSAL was added to enum InterFinancialAccountTransferActivityType
  • May 15, 2024
  • Type VelocityConstraintLevel was added
  • Input field velocityConstraintLevelOverride of type VelocityConstraintLevel was added to input object type CreateVelocityRuleInput
  • Field velocityConstraintLevelOverride was added to object type VelocityRule
  • May 14, 2024
  • Field creditProcessorOnlyEnabled was added to object type PartialFundingCardProductFeature
  • May 13, 2024


  • Enum value TOTAL_ANNUAL_INCOME was added to enum PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType
  • Enum value CURRENT_DEBT_OBLIGATIONS was added to enum PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType
  • Enum value EMPLOYMENT_STATUS was added to enum PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType
  • Enum value ANNUAL_REVENUE was added to enum BusinessAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType
  • May 9, 2024
  • Type MastercardFleetAuthorizationData was added
  • Type MastercardFleetPrompt was added
  • Type MastercardFleetAuthorizationDataFuelProduct was added
  • Type MastercardFleetAuthorizationDataNonFuelProduct was added
  • Type VisaFleetAuthorizationData was added
  • Type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added
  • Type SimulateMastercardFleetPromptInput was added
  • Type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationDataFuelProductInput was added
  • Type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationDataNonFuelProductInput was added
  • Type SimulateVisaFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added
  • Type MastercardFleetPromptType was added
  • Type MastercardFleetFuelProductCode was added
  • Type MastercardFleetNonFuelProductCode was added
  • Input field fleetAuthorizationData of type SimulateVisaFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added to input object type SimulateVisaFleetAuthorizationAdviceInput
  • Field additionalTransactionData was added to object type ReversalEvent
  • Field additionalTransactionData was added to object type AuthorizationEvent
  • Input field fleetAuthorizationData of type SimulateVisaFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added to input object type SimulateVisaFleetAuthorizationInput
  • Input field fleetAuthorizationData of type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added to input object type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationInput
  • Input field fleetAuthorizationData of type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationDataInput was added to input object type SimulateMastercardFleetAuthorizationAdviceInput
  • May 8, 2024
  • Field decimalPlaces was added to object type Amount
  • TransactionEventResponseCode

  • Enum value VALID_ACCOUNT_AMOUNT_NOT_SUPPORTED was added to enum TransactionEventResponseCode
  • Enum value CHIP_CARD_ARQC_VALIDATION_FAILURE was added to enum TransactionEventResponseCode
  • Enum value PRE_AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRED was added to enum TransactionEventResponseCode
  • Enum value INVALID_TRACK_DATA was added to enum TransactionEventResponseCode
  • May 7, 2024
  • Type SetEmailForNotificationTargetInput was added
  • Type RemoveEmailFromNotificationTargetInput was added
  • Type SetEmailForNotificationTargetPayload was added
  • Type RemoveEmailFromNotificationTargetPayload was added
  • Type CardProfileSetRelationship was added
  • Mutation

  • Field setEmailForNotificationTarget was added to object type Mutation
  • Field removeEmailFromNotificationTarget was added to object type Mutation
  • Field cardProfileSet was added to object type PaymentCard
  • Input field email of type String was added to input object type AddWebhookNotificationTargetInput
  • Field description was added to interface CardProfileSetInterface
  • PhysicalCardProfile

  • Field name was added to object type PhysicalCardProfile
  • Field description was added to object type PhysicalCardProfile
  • Field cardProfileSetRelationships was added to object type PhysicalCardProfile
  • CardProfile

  • Field name was added to interface CardProfile
  • Field description was added to interface CardProfile
  • Field cardProfileSetRelationships was added to interface CardProfile
  • VirtualCardProfile

  • Field name was added to object type VirtualCardProfile
  • Field description was added to object type VirtualCardProfile
  • Field cardProfileSetRelationships was added to object type VirtualCardProfile
  • DigitalCardProfile

  • Field name was added to object type DigitalCardProfile
  • Field description was added to object type DigitalCardProfile
  • Field cardProfileSetRelationships was added to object type DigitalCardProfile
  • Field description was added to object type CardProfileSet
  • Field description was added to object type CardProfileSetRestricted
  • May 1, 2024
  • Field createdAt was added to object type FinancialAccountSnapshot
  • Apr 30, 2024
  • Enum value IN_REVIEW was added to enum AccountHolderRiskVerificationStatusCode
  • Enum value MINIMUM_PAYMENT was added to enum TransferBalanceAmountCode
  • Enum value MINIMUM_PAYMENT was added to enum CalculatedTransferAmountType
  • Apr 26, 2024
  • Type PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdatedEvent was added
  • Type PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType was added
  • Type BusinessAccountHolderIdentityUpdatedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessAccountHolderIdentityUpdateType was added
  • Type BusinessAuthorizedPersonIdentityUpdatedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessUltimateBeneficialOwnerIdentityUpdatedEvent was added
  • Type BusinessAssociatedPersonIdentityUpdateType was added
  • Type GeneratePaymentMethodTokenizationClientTokenPayload was added
  • Type GeneratePaymentMethodTokenizationClientTokenInput was added
  • Type GeneratePaymentMethodTokenizationClientTokenPermission was added
  • Field generatePaymentMethodTokenizationClientToken was added to object type Mutation
  • NotificationEventNode

  • Member PersonAccountHolderIdentityUpdatedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessAccountHolderIdentityUpdatedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessAuthorizedPersonIdentityUpdatedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • Member BusinessUltimateBeneficialOwnerIdentityUpdatedEvent was added to Union type NotificationEventNode
  • NotificationEventName

  • Enum value PERSON_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_IDENTITY_UPDATED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_IDENTITY_UPDATED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value BUSINESS_AUTHORIZED_PERSON_IDENTITY_UPDATED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Enum value BUSINESS_ULTIMATE_BENEFICIAL_OWNER_IDENTITY_UPDATED was added to enum NotificationEventName
  • Apr 25, 2024
  • Type WireTransferStatusReasonCode was added
  • Type WireTransferType was added
  • Type WireTransfer was added
  • Type RewardPointsTransferPayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRuleInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRuleInput was added
  • Type RewardEarnRateInput was added
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductInput was added
  • Type RewardRuleAttachmentInput was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRulePayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRulePayload was added
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductPayload was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentPayload was added
  • Type RewardEarnRuleConnection was added
  • Type RewardEarnRuleEdge was added
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationInput was added
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductInput was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionRateInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationPayload was added
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductPayload was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentPayload was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationConnection was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationEdge was added
  • Type CreateRewardPointsAdjustmentInput was added
  • Type RewardPointsActivityTypeInput was added
  • Type AccumulatedAccountInterestAndFees was added
  • Type YearToDateAccountInterestAndFeesByBalanceType was added
  • Mutation

  • Field createRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardDefaultEarnRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardEarnRuleToProduct was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRuleAttachment was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardRedemptionConfiguration was added to object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProduct was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardPointsAdjustment was added to object type Mutation
  • Organization

  • Field rewardEarnRules was added to object type Organization
  • Field rewardRedemptionConfigurations was added to object type Organization
  • CardProduct

  • Field attachedRewardRules was added to object type CardProduct
  • Field attachedRewardRedemptionConfigurations was added to object type CardProduct
  • Member WireTransfer was added to Union type FinancialEvent
  • Member WireTransfer was added to Union type SimulateDepositPayload
  • Field accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees was added to object type CreditPayInFullCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Field accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees was added to object type ConsumerRevolvingCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Field accumulatedAccountInterestAndFees was added to object type ConsumerChargeCardFinancialAccountStatement
  • Apr 24, 2024
  • Type RewardRuleAttachmentConnectionPayload was removed
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentConnectionPayload was removed
  • Field RewardEarnRule.attachments changed type from RewardRuleAttachmentConnectionPayload to RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
  • Field RewardDefaultEarnRule.attachments changed type from RewardRuleAttachmentConnectionPayload to RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
  • Field RewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule.attachments changed type from RewardRuleAttachmentConnectionPayload to RewardRuleAttachmentConnection
  • Field RewardRedemptionConfiguration.attachments changed type from RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentConnectionPayload to RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentConnection
  • Apr 23, 2024


  • Enum value GUNS_AMMO was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value PERSONAL_CREDIT_INSTITUTIONS was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value PINLESS_DEBIT_BILLPAY_TIER_2 was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value INSURANCE_PREMIUMS was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value EMIRATES was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value HAINAN_AIRLINES was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value AZUL_BRAZILIAN_AIRLINES was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value WIZZ_AIR was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value FLYBE was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value TIGERAIR was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Enum value CHINA_SOUTHERN_AIRLINES was added to enum MerchantCategory
  • Apr 19, 2024
  • Type RewardPointsTransferPayload was removed
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRuleInput was removed
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRuleInput was removed
  • Type RewardEarnRateInput was removed
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductInput was removed
  • Type RewardRuleAttachmentInput was removed
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentInput was removed
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRulePayload was removed
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRulePayload was removed
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductPayload was removed
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentPayload was removed
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationInput was removed
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductInput was removed
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was removed
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was removed
  • Type RewardRedemptionRateInput was removed
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationPayload was removed
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductPayload was removed
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentPayload was removed
  • Type CreateRewardPointsAdjustmentInput was removed
  • Type RewardPointsActivityTypeInput was removed
  • Mutation

  • Field createRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardDefaultEarnRule was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardEarnRuleToProduct was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRuleAttachment was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardRedemptionConfiguration was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProduct was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment was removed from object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardPointsAdjustment was removed from object type Mutation
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • Type RewardPointsTransferPayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRuleInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRuleInput was added
  • Type RewardEarnRateInput was added
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductInput was added
  • Type RewardRuleAttachmentInput was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRulePayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardDefaultEarnRulePayload was added
  • Type AttachRewardEarnRuleToProductPayload was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRuleAttachmentPayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationInput was added
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductInput was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentInput was added
  • Type RewardRedemptionRateInput was added
  • Type CreateRewardRedemptionConfigurationPayload was added
  • Type AttachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProductPayload was added
  • Type UpdateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachmentPayload was added
  • Type CreateRewardPointsAdjustmentInput was added
  • Type RewardPointsActivityTypeInput was added
  • Mutation

  • Field createRewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardDefaultEarnRule was added to object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardEarnRuleToProduct was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRuleAttachment was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardRedemptionConfiguration was added to object type Mutation
  • Field attachRewardRedemptionConfigurationToProduct was added to object type Mutation
  • Field updateRewardRedemptionConfigurationAttachment was added to object type Mutation
  • Field createRewardPointsAdjustment was added to object type Mutation
  • Field delinquency was removed from object type FinancialAccountSnapshot
  • Apr 17, 2024
  • Field allowedListCodes was added to object type RewardMerchantCategoryEarnRule
  • Apr 16, 2024
  • Type FinancialAccountSnapshot was added
  • Type CreditPlanFinancialAccountConfiguration was added
  • Type CreditFinancialAccountConfiguration was added
  • Type MilitaryLendingActConfiguration was added
  • Type ServicemembersCivilReliefActConfiguration was added
  • Type ServicemembersCivilReliefActStatus was added
  • Field creditConfiguration was added to object type FinancialAccount
  • Apr 15, 2024
  • Field email was added to object type WebhookNotificationTarget
  • Apr 11, 2024
  • Type DisbursementTransferEventType was added
  • Type DisbursementTransferEventStatus was added
  • Type DisbursementTransferEventFailureReason was added
  • Type DisbursementTransferEvent was added
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateFinancialAccountPseudoBalanceUpdateInput
  • Member DisbursementTransferEvent was added to Union type FinancialEvent
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiatePayrollAdvanceInput
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateFundPaymentCardFinancialAccountTransferInput
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateTransferFromFundingFinancialAccountToPaymentCardFinancialAccountInput
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateTransferBetweenFinancialAccountsInput
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateTransferFromPaymentCardFinancialAccountToFundingFinancialAccountInput
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type InitiateFinancialAccountCreditLimitUpdateFromProductFundingInput
  • Apr 10, 2024
  • Type PaymentTransactionFilterInput was added
  • Argument filterBy: PaymentTransactionFilterInput added to field Query.paymentTransactions
  • Input field idempotencyKey of type IdempotencyKey was added to input object type IssuePaymentCardForFinancialAccountInput
  • Field traceNumber was added to interface ExternallyInitiatedACHTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type PayrollTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type CreditFunds
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type DebitFunds
  • Field traceNumber was added to interface IntegratorInitiatedACHTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type SecureDepositACHTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type SecureDeposit
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type IntegratorInitiatedFundsWithdrawalACHTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type IntegratorInitiatedFundsDepositACHTransfer
  • Field traceNumber was added to object type SecureCardBalanceRepaymentACHTransfer
  • API Changelog displays the 50 most recent updates.